Boulder Hewes Crabapple

One day in 2014, Dan stumbled upon two apple trees growing the most interesting crabapples in a historic neighborhood in Boulder. They were tart, tannic, beautifully perfumed and epically water cored. The trees were 30 feet tall and very old, maybe a century or more. Their trunks were hollowed, they were nearing the end of their lives.

Esopus Spitzenburg Family Tree

Esopus Spitzenburg Family Tree

Most people don't realize where their apples come from, which is not surprising. It seems like Fuji, Red Delicious, Gala... they were always in the grocery store but their story is more complex. First, we will give you a bit of a background on how apples change and propagate, then we will talk about the Esopus Spitzenburg Family Tree.